...As a petal blown by the wind ...像被风吹落的花瓣一样


The idea of '...As a petal blown by the wind' would be related in some way to cherry blossoms and melancholy emotions. In England, March is the time when the cherry blossoms (sakura in Japanese) are in full bloom. When the wind blows, the pinkish-white petals are blown all over the sky. It reminds me of Japanese animation — 5 Centimeters per Second.

This is a 2007 animated Japanese romantic drama anime directed by Makoto Shinkai. The film consists of three episodes, “Cherry Blossom”, “Cosmonaut” and “5 Centimeters per second”, each segment follows a period in the life of the male protagonist Takaki Tōno and his relationship with the girls around him. The cherry blossom is an important symbol throughout this animated film.

  1. The first kiss under a cherry tree before parting with his first love — means Tōno’s love is trapped in the world of “cherry blossom”.

  2. Kanae Sumida falls in love with Takaki Tōno who can't forget his first love and eventually gives up in tears — Sumida tries to save Tōno who is trapped in the “cherry blossom”.

  3. Years later, Tōno and his first love passed each other in a street full of cherry blossom trees — With this final encounter, Tōno, who has always had illusions, ends his love for his first love and steps out of the “cherry blossom”.

I use the two instruments to represent two people’s intertwined emotions. I also try to portray a melancholy emotion through the cherry blossoms in this animation, with their petals being blown by the wind.


Admire 望


Yonshakudama Hanabi 四尺玉