Falling like Leaves 像叶子一样飘落


'Falling like Leaves' for the small ensemble is inspired by the leaves falling in the autumn. In Cambridge, time can be felt - stretched and compressed. Sometimes, as I read or laze under the ancient walls all day, time can be stretched indefinitely; sometimes, as I move from college to college, I suddenly wonder if the scholars of a hundred years ago were in the same hurry to get to seminar as I am now. The work seeks to create a musical feeling of being stretched and compressed in time by depicting the speed at which the leaves fall.

Meanwhile, the musical motivation for the work is inspired by the 4 be turned piano notes of Gérard Grisey's iconic Vortex temporum. Unlike other works of music on the spectrum, Grisey constructs a more exaggeratedly stretched and compressed version to use in Vortex temporum. Those four be turned notes were selected by the stretched and compressed spectrum version and the idea of spacing (interval) these four be-turned notes [compressed within the same octave or expanded beyond two octaves] is throughout the piece.


Nebula 星云


Admire 望