Garden Mist 迷雾花园


'Garden Mist' is inspired by the myth of the Manjusaka flower. It is believed that those people who are about to leave this world and enter the spirit world suddenly find themselves surrounded by this vivid red flower. Its beautiful scent reminds them of the most profound and important moment of their lives.

In China, the Manjusaka flower has a special name - 彼岸花, which could be translated as the ‘flower from the opposite shore’. It means ‘to guide souls into the afterlife, and it is mostly seen at traditional funerals or other ritual circumstances of this kind. Therefore this piece is harmonically based on the Chinese pentatonic system. This flower is also able to arouse the memory of the deceased. For this reason, I hope my music can bring the audience into another spirit world like mist.

In this piece, I particularly focus on the color of the music. Using and combining the different instruments to create new sounds and the cohesion between instrument timbre. Those are the main things I especially want to communicate to the audience.


Near Dawn 破晓


Love’s Philosophy 爱的哲学