The compositional work Nebula is a journey through multiple nebulae structures, each different in color and form. They are connected in one piece of music to show the vastness of our universe.

In music, I aim to evoke the grandeur and mystique of these nebulae through a symphony of sounds. Building upon the inspiration from Tōru Takemitsu, Qigang Chen and Tan Dun, this piece employs a blend of traditional East culture and Western orchestration sonority to transport the listener to the depths of space. I intend to use music to draw the dynamic and ever-changing nature of these stellar nurseries, demonstrating the tumultuous journey from cosmic dust to luminous star.

The Toru Takemitsu Composition Award 2024 judge Mark-Anthony Turnage commented: 
“This piece is very beautifully scored ... It’s a very interesting skill to almost be sentimental but not quite. And that’s a really hard thing to do, and she does it really well. There was something very touching, and actually quite moving about some of the chords. I loved harmony … and I think the last section is very special, the final bars are beautifully paced”.


Falling like Leaves 像叶子一样飘落